Giới thiệu Tote Bag - In Your Twenties
🌸 mẫu chữ : “Your 20's are your 'selfish' years. It's a decade to immerse yourself in every single thing possible. Be selfish with your time, and all the aspects of you. Tinker with shit, travel, explore, love a lot, love a little, and never touch the ground.” ― Kyoko Escamilla
. chất liệu: canvas
. màu sắc : nâu cappuchino
. kích thước: (W)36 x (H)39 x (D)8 cm
. đựng vừa A4, laptop 13''
. có may sẵn khóa kéo miệng
. thêm túi nhỏ tiện ích bên trong
. giá: 190k
#ptitepluie #hạtmưa #hatmuatotebag #totebag #canvastote #madeinvietnam #designedinvietnam #handmade #túitote #túivảitote
For these 20 something crisis we re going thru everyday, the best advice ive ever received: "Dont worry, no one else knows what they re doing either". 💕 Just keep going, you will be somewhere someday.
Hạt mưa 💧#ptitepluie
canvas totes and more
Hotline: 0986.598.434 / 0123.929.6989
Pick-up locations:
。 Studio Tầng 2, 109E8, Phương Mai, Hà Nội
。 Warehouse 628 Hoàng Hoa Thám, Hà Nội190k